Tuesday, July 24, 2018

kennedy creates..."i want to go to camp at gg's"...

creating with kennedy...had a very special day!!
this sweet girl wanted "camp" at my house so that we could play!!
we started with a checklist of some of the fun things to do...
and one by one we checked off...and added a few other things too!!
we baked a yummy bread...stirred and baked this delicious treat... 
gathering, trimmed and arranged flowers...her first time...so so sweet!!
downtown a few times we went...once to drop off my rainbow art...
and to the farmers market later...bought cherries from the mart!!
with nana she made tags for my window space coming soon...
and the plaid art...she surprised me...what a sweetheart!!...over the moon!!
so next time when she visits we have the unchecked to do and more...
creating with kennedy this day...a day i did adore!!

1 comment:

  1. Just the best! Sweet Kennedy is growing up...what lovely memories for her.❤️
