Monday, May 29, 2017

fun find...packing cubes...

we're packing for a fun trip...we're myrtle beach bound!!
and anything for the suitcase organization is a good thing i have found!!
i have seen packing cubes on instagram stories...and here and there...
they organizes your simple!!  all separated with care...
i have just started packing and am trying out a few things
like things together is the way i think i will begin this organizing
they suggest also by outfit or using a color for each person
then the bags slip into the destination drawers and you are done
so far so good...the best i have used to keep it straight
looks like these packing cubes will be just simply great!!


  1. Such a life saver! Love packing cubes!!

    1. yes! yes! first time using them!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
