Friday, February 19, 2016

white house...great garden...

this is my inspiration for my garden of green
where symmetry and boxwoods and simplicity is seen
where the grand gray fence will still be the one
but also with all the green around i want to add some fun
with a touch of colorfull...maybe a yarn bomb or blue
black and white pots, native stone and raised beds too
i know you have seen some of this on the blog before
so i added in fresh and fun so it would not bore
the flower garden this year will be full and flowerful and great
with delphiniums and daisies and zinnias...can't wait!!
excited to keep creating this great green outdoor space
designing and puts a big smile on my face!!
inspiration via my outdoor pinterest board


  1. you need to get that umbrella! seriously!!! love the garden look, it looks like yours...

    1. can you believe it!? it's vintage and amazing!!❤️
